Your Social Media Strategy & Why It’s Failing…(and Why You’re Going to be OK)

Part 1: Stop thinking socially. Start thinking strategically. Social Media and digital marketing is all the buzz right now. From fancy tech-geek conferences like SXSW to local marketing summits, every event is a’twitter (pardon the pun) with how CEOs, leaders and strategists can unlock the secrets to social media marketing. We’re taking to our Twitters, […]

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Zombies, Geekery and OMG Second Screen! Test Driving AMC’s The Walking Dead StorySync

Last night, I finally caved and played with StorySync, AMC’s second-screen experience during the mid-season premiere of The Walking Dead (TWD). While it’s been out since 2012, I have to admit that I was on the fence about testing out a second screen experience that didn’t include Facebook and Twitter integration. However, since I’m generally […]

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Hawaii Five-0’s Cool Foray into Social TV and Viewer Voting Remember “Choose Your Own Adventure” books? Have some love in your heart for those skinny little paperbacks that helped distract you in social studies by flipping to page 45 if you do follow the wizard down the cave or turning to page 116 if you […]